On April 18th, all ngành organized in assembly lines to efficiently pack lunches. Ngành Au decorated paper bags, nganh Thieu prepared peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and nghia were leaders of each table to carry the flow of the assembly line to run smoothly. As we prepared these lunches, we kept in mind the amount of people who were going to be touched by God's love through our packed lunches. With hard work and great enthusiasm to give back, we are serving not only the less fortunate but we are serving God.
The next morning on April 19th we arrived early in the morning and met with Deacon Long and arrived at Skid Row to begin reaching out to those in need of lunches. As we walked around we observed around us the everyday lives the homeless go through everyday. We humbled ourselves and began to find great gratitude in our hearts that we are fortunate to be live under a roof and have the basic necessities we usually take for granted. We thank all you guys who took your time to come out and contribute to the community as God's image to the less fortunate. We hope you all continue to remember the blessings God has given us and to pray for those who are in need.