We prayed the Joyful Mysteries, and reviewed each of the events of the mystery with Deacon Long. We began with The Annunciation, when the angel Gabriel comes to the Virgin Mary and announced that she will be bearing God's child, Jesus. Then we discussed The Visitation, when Mary had received the news about her cousin, Elizabeth, who is also with child, and decides to visit her cousin. Due to time constraints, we concluded the Joyful Mysteries by envisioning the third mystery, the Birth of Jesus, Our Savior. He was born in modesty when Mary and Joseph were searching for a place to stay. As it was about time for the baby to be born, they were denied a room by every hotel they came across. Joseph then brought them to the town of Nazareth in Galilee, but there was no more guest rooms available. So when the time came for the birth of Jesus, she gave birth to her Son inside a barn and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, placing him in a manger. After each part of the mystery, we slowly prayed Our Father, 10 Hail Marys, Glory Be, and the Fatima prayer while meditating on the event of the mystery. We think about the importance of these events and how we can learn the fruit of the mystery.
After praying the Rosary, we did some singing practice and headed off to visit the residents of Olive Vista Behavioral Health Center in Pomona. We sang Christmas Carols and presented gifts that were blessed by Father Long. It was a joyous day, indeed! Thank you for those of you who woke up in the early morning to participate in this wonderful event! Special thanks to Doan Claremont for your hospitality and your work in making this very special day happen!
Đoàn Thiếu Nhi Fatima Đức Mẹ Truyền Tin Torrance